The Calais Community Hospital Emergency Department is a nine room Level III emergency department providing care to all who present for treatment.   An average of 800-900 patients are evaluated and cared for each month.  The Emergency Department is staffed 24 hours a day with a physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner, registered nurses, and certified nursing assistants qualified in the emergency treatment of patients with a variety of conditions.  The department has a full-time director.

Physicians on staff at Calais Community Hospital provide on-call services to the emergency department for patients requiring specialized medical, surgical, and orthopedic care.

Patient care in the emergency department is supported by technological equipment such as cardiac monitoring, defibrillators, pulse oximetry and mechanical ventilation.  Patients are triaged and treated according to the severity of symptoms.  Our median door to provider time is less than 20 minutes.   Staff stabilize patients for admission or transfer to tertiary centers if needed.  The department is prepared at all times to activate the Hospital Emergency Response Plan.  The department staff emphasizes critical thinking, technical skills and competency, as well as interpersonal skills to provide the highest quality nursing care to their patients.

National protocols for emergency care are followed including, but not limited to, Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Pediatric Advanced Life Support and Neonatal Resuscitation Program treatments.  The department participates in Centers for Medicare and Medicaid core measures such as Acute MI and Stroke.