The Imaging Department at Calais Community Hospital provides a wide variety of diagnostic testing including:
- General Radiology
- CT
- Ultrasound
- Bone Density Testing
- Mammography
All of the Radiologic Technologists have graduated from an accredited Medical Imaging program, are licensed by the state of Maine and are registered by the American registry of Radiologic Technologist (ARRT).
The ultra-sonographers have graduated from an accredited ultrasound Imaging program and are registered by The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS).
The Radiologist is a graduate from an accredited Medical school who also had completed at least 4 years of post-graduate medical education. He is board certified by the American Board of Radiology.
Calais Community Hospital uses computer radiography (CR) and PACS (picture Archival & Communication system). Instead of taking films we use digital images that can be shared with other facilities like Eastern Maine Medical Center.
Appointment for imaging exams can be made by calling the central scheduling department at 454-9368.
In the event you need to take your images to another facility.
Please call 454-9226 to request a CD.