Calais Community Hospital is providing additional access for COVID-19 testing each weekday morning via the State’s DHHS Standing Order beginning Monday, July 6 at 8 a.m.   The hospital has provided testing services for COVID-19 since the pandemic begin, however patients were required to have a providers order. 

CCH is pleased to be able to offer some access to the more broad and open testing requirements provided by the DHHS Standing Order.  A team of staff has spent many hours developing a process and set up to bring this opportunity to our community members.   Access to the open testing is subject to the Standing Order remaining active and availability of supplies via hospital vendors and the CDC. 

The newly announced Standing Order by Maine DHHS provides for lab testing without an assessment or direct order from a health care provider.   It helps people who believe they have been exposed or have an elevated risk of exposure to COVID-19 and who do not have a primary health care provider, cannot discuss this exposure in a timely way with their health care provider, or are visiting Maine or coming back to Maine from another state, for example.  Individuals continue to be encouraged to contact their health care provider to discuss their need for a COVID-19 test, especially if they have symptoms, and get an order for the test from their provider when indicated.   More info on the Standing Orders criteria can be found within a FAQ link at

Where and when is this testing?

  • Where: Calais Community Hospital Ambulance Entrance area of parking lot.  There are 10 marked parking spots for testing.
  • When: 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Monday to Friday

What do I need to bring?

  • Individuals will remain in their vehicles throughout the entire testing process.
  • Each individual should have their own mask to wear during the intake process.
  • As there is no way to predict the number of participants, you should come prepared to possibly wait and no restrooms will be available.
  • Bring water, snacks and other items to be comfortable while waiting.

How much will this cost?

The State of Maine will cover the full costs of lab testing for any COVID-19 lab test that is done at the State CDC lab from July 1 through at least August 31, 2020.

How long will it take to hear my results?

CCH Laboratory staff will contact you with your results within one business day of receiving them from the CDC Lab.  Depending on volume, this would typically be at least 24 to 72 hours, but is dependent on the CDC Lab’s process and speed.  While waiting for results, people should stay at home and quarantine.   More complete information can be found on the Maine CDC website by searching Guidelines for Quarantine.  

Staff walking through the process before open testing begins on Monday, July 6.
Parking spaces are marked to wait for staff to come to your vehicle.

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